The Problem with Money — Ecclesiastes 5:8-6:9
Doug Hornok   -  

People who love money are in a Catch-22. They want something and pursue it relentlessly but are going after something that will never satisfy them. Why? Because desires always outrun possessions. Very few, if any, ever reach that point where they say, “I make $100,000, and I don’t want to make a cent more!” Few people go to their boss and say, “Please, no more raises! I’m making all I’ll ever need.” The Preacher in the book of Ecclesiastes makes that point: Once you’ve had it, you want more of it. The desire for more is like a fire that keeps burning and consuming and never satisfies. What’s more, the more you have, the more complicated your life becomes. And even if wealth doesn’t change you, it will change everyone around you. They all want a piece of you. Proverbs 14:20 says, “Those who love the rich are many.”