The Song of Simeon- Nunc Dimittis — Luke 1:22-38
Doug Hornok   -  

Most children have a difficult time sleeping on Christmas Eve. They’re much too excited about the events of Christmas morning, the surprises that await them from the unwrapped gifts under the tree, the wonderful food and time with family, and the list goes on and on. Shortly after Jesus was born, there was an old man who was equally eager for Christmas; His name was Simeon. In fact, he was waiting with devout vigilance. And the thing that kept him waiting excitedly is the fact that God told him he wouldn’t sleep the sleep of death until he saw Jesus, the promised and long-awaited Messiah. In our final message on the Songs of Christmas, we will look at his story that unfolds in Luke 2. His response is one that is worth emulating. In a real sense, Simeon was like a child who can’t sleep as they wait for Christmas morning.